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    Safe List Letter||marketing lesson

    At the end of this brief, one and a half minute message, you can
    leave your name and address to get a free 12-month subscription to “Internet
    Marketing Results”!
    My internet marketing newsletter is dedicated to giving you innovative, proven-in-
    the-trenches strategies and techniques that get you more leads, more sales, and more
    profits. Readers tell me these ingenious techniques have increased their internet
    marketing profits substantially.

    That’s because “Internet Marketing Results” is unique. I don’t waste your time with
    the same re-hashed information about internet marketing that you see in most online
    newsletters. Instead, I dig beyond the obvious to give you real information you can
    use to boost your response right now.

    For a limited time, I’m giving away a free 12-month subscription to my newsletter.

    You see, I figure after your free subscription expires, there’s a strong chance you’ll
    become a paid subscriber. But then again, you may not. And that’s perfectly ok.

    You’re under no obligation whatsoever to do any further business with me.

    To start your free 12-month subscription, just leave your name and email address at
    the website address below. Make sure you use the email address that you use and
    check everyday. I’ll send you my first report as soon as you subscri
    Be. Do it now
    before you forget.

    Safe List Letter


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