The Internet of Things has its roots in the work done by Mark Weiser at
Xerox PARC in the 1990s. His work didn’t assume that there would be
network connectivity but was concerned with what happens when comput-
ing power becomes cheap enough that it can be embedded into all manner
of everyday objects. He coined the term ubiquitous computing, or ubicomp
for short, to describe it, and through his research and writing sought to
explore what that would mean for the people living in such a world.
With its focus on computing power being embedded everywhere, ubicomp
is often also referred to as ambient computing. However, the term “ambient”
also has connotations of being merely in the background, not something to
which we actively pay attention and in some cases as something which we
seek to remove (e.g., ambient noise in a sound recording).
We prefer, as did Mark Weiser, the term calm technology—systems which
don’t vie for attention yet are ready to provide utility or useful information
when we decide to give them some attention.
Such proliferation of computing devices into the world comes with all
manner of new challenges. Issues include configuration, how to provide
power to all these items, how they talk to each other, and how they commu-
nicate with us.
The power and networking challenges are purely technical and are driving
developments such as 6LoWPAN (
6lowpan-charter.html). This is a standards drive from a working
group of academics, computing professionals, and others to take the
next-generation Internet protocol (IPv6) to the simplest and lowest-power
networked sensors. (It is revisited when we look at future developments in
the next chapter.) It aims to provide the scale of addresses and lower power
usage needed by so many sensors.
Configuration and user interaction, however, obviously involve people and
so are difficult problems to solve with just technical solutions. This is where
good design can aid in adoption and usability. You can see this with the
introduction of the Apple iPod in 2001. It wasn’t the first portable MP3
player, but the combination of the scroll-wheel user interface and the
companion iTunes software made it much easier to use and turned them
into mass market gadgets.
Designing a connected device in isolation is likely to lead you to design
decisions which aren’t ideal when that object or service is placed into the
seething mess that is the real world. To bastardize Eliel Saarinen’s maxim on
design, we suggest you think of how the connected device will interact as
one of a wealth of connected devices.
In addition to thinking of a device in the physical context one step larger—
Saarinen’s “Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger con-
text—a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an
environment in a city plan”—we should do the same for the services.
For connected devices which are just sensing their world, or generally acting
as inputs, as long as their activity doesn’t require them to query the people
around them, there shouldn’t be any issues. They will happily collect
information and deposit it into some repository online for processing or
When the devices start interacting with people, things get more complicated.
Already we’re seeing the number of notifications, pop-ups, and indicator
noises on our computers and mobile phones proliferate. When we scale up
this number to include hundreds of new services and applications and then
spread that across the rest of the objects in our world, it will become an
attention-seeking cacophony.
Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown proposed an antidote to such a problem
by suggesting we design ubiquitous computing systems to seek to blend into
their surroundings; in so doing, we could keep them in our peripheral
perception until the right time to take centre stage:
Calm technology engages both the center and the periphery of our
attention, and in fact moves back and forth between the two.
—Designing Calm Technology, Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown,
Xerox PARC, December 21, 1995
A great example of this approach is Live Wire, one of the first Internet of
Things devices. Created by artist Natalie Jeremijenko when she was in
residence at Xerox PARC under the guidance of Mark Weiser, Live Wire
(also sometimes called Dangling String) is a simple device: an electric motor
connected to an eight-foot long piece of plastic string. The power for the
motor is provided by the data transmissions on the Ethernet network to
which it is connected, so it twitches whenever a packet of information is sent
across the network.
Under normal, light network load, the string twitches occasionally. If the
network is overloaded, the string whirls madly, accompanied by a distinctive
noise from the motor’s activity. Conversely, if no network activity is occur-
ring, an unusual stillness comes over the string. Both extremes of activity
therefore alert the nearby human (who is used to the normal behaviour) that
something is amiss and lets him investigate further.
Not all technology need be calm. A calm videogame would get
little use; the point is to be excited. But too much design focuses
on the object itself and its surface features without regard for
context. We must learn to design for the periphery so that we can
most fully command technology without being dominated by it.
—Designing Calm Technology, Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown,
Xerox PARC December 21, 1995
The mention of the distinctive sound from the motor when the Live Wire is
under heavy load brings up another interesting point. Moving the means of
conveying information away from screens and into the real world often adds
a new dimension to the notification. On a computer, updating the screen is
purely visual, so any additional senses must be engaged explicitly. Like Live
Wire, Bubblino—Adrian’s Internet of Things bubble machine which searches
Twitter and blows bubbles when it finds new tweets matching a search
phrase is a good example in which the
side effect of the motor is to generate an audible notification that something
is happening. With their Olly ( device, agency
Mint Digital combines the motor with a deliberate olfactory indicator to
provide a smelly notification of one of a number of social media events.
These noisy “side effects” are something that we should also be wary of
losing with a move to “better” technology. Years ago all airport and railway
arrival and departure boards were built using split-flap displays. They
consisted of a number of flaps on a roll—sometimes with full place names
printed onto the flap, and in other times as individually controllable
characters—which could be rotated until they showed the correct item.
In most locations these split-flap displays have been phased out in prefer-
ence for dot-matrix LED displays. The newer displays are much easier to
update with new destinations. They also have capabilities such as horizon-
tally scrolling messages which were impossible to add with the split-flap
technology. Sadly, in doing so they have lost one important characteristic:
the flurry of clacking as the display updates. As a result, passengers waiting
in a station terminal must stare endlessly up at the display waiting for their
train to be announced, rather than attending to other tasks and checking the
departures board only when a change occurs.
That is not to say that screens are never the right choice, merely that in this
age of mobile phones and tablets they are often chosen without realising a
choice is being made. If you start from a position of trying not to use a
screen, then if you return to it you will have worked out that a screen is the
best solution.
There has been some interesting experimentation in the use of screens
around what has been called glanceable displays. These are secondary
screens, meant to sit away from your immediate surroundings in the same
sort of places in which you might place a picture frame.
They aren’t all screens. For example, Russell Davies, agitator for the recently
possible, built Bikemap (
planning/2011/04/homesense-bikemap.html), a handful of LEDs
inserted into specific places on a printed-out map. The map shows the area
around his home, and each LED marks the location of a bike stand for the
London city bike rental scheme. If there are more than five bikes available at
a stand, the corresponding LED lights up. It is mounted into a picture frame
and hangs near to Russell’s front door, so a glance over to it as he leaves lets
him know which direction to head in order to find a bike.
One of Russell’s roles is as a partner in the Really Interesting Group, a
multidisciplinary agency based in London. Others in the agency, and some
of their wider network of friends, have also been exploring the area.
They have a set of AirTunes WiFi speakers in the studio, which anyone can
take control of and play music through. When you were working there, you’d
often wonder exactly what a particular track was but had no way of finding
out short of interrupting the entire office to ask who was in charge of the
music at that moment and what was playing right now.
To solve that problem, they stuck a spare monitor out of everyone’s way on
top of a bookcase and, through a combination of watching the network
traffic and hooking into the service that they all used to record what
tracks they play, built a system to display the current track and who had
played it.
The screen updated only whenever the song changed, and wasn’t positioned
in anyone’s eye-line, so it didn’t distract you from your work. However, if the
music distracted you, the screen was there to satisfy your curiousity.
The Bikemap also provided some inspiration for RIG studio-mate Chris
Heathcote. Chris is an interaction designer and realised that every morning
he would check a few different apps on his phone to find out things like the
weather forecast, his appointments for the day, and how the trains on the
London Underground were running.He didn’t have any power sockets near
to his front door, and so settled on a bedside information display instead.
Given that it would be always on and next to where he sleeps, a standard
monitor or other LCD display, with its persistent glow, wouldn’t be suitable.
The e-ink display on a Kindle, however, was ideal. He took advantage of the
WiFi connectivity and computing power in the Kindle to make it a self-
contained device and configured it to just display a web page, which
refreshed every few minutes.
The resultant device, which Chris called the Kindleframe (http://, would then
always display up-to-date information from the mash-up of websites that he
pulled together to collect all the information that he needs at the start of the day.
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