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    We are largely interested in the practice of actually designing and making Internet-
    connected Things. As Internet of Things thought leader and entrepreneur 
    Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino noted at the Victoria and Albert Museum’s 
    Power of Making Symposium, both these words mean many things to deferent people.

    There are many crossover points between all the disciplines listed. Artists may 
    collaborate with designers on installations or with traditional craftspeople on 
    printmaking. Designers and engineers work closely to make industrial products, 
    and hobbyist “hackers” (in the sense of tinkerers and amateur engineers), by 
    their nature, are a diverse group encompassing various technical and artistic 
    interests and skills. The map isn’t complete, and one could raise issue with 
    omissions: no role of “architect” is listed, only the discipline of architecture, 
    straddling the roles of engineer, designer, and craftsperson.

    A more striking omission, given Deschamps-Sonsino’s pedigree as an 
    Internet of Things innovator, is the role of “builder of the Internet of Things”. 

    And, of course, this is not accidental. Rather, the Internet of Things straddles 
    all these disciplines: a hacker might tinker at the prototype for a Thing; a 
    software developer might write the online component; a designer might turn 
    the ugly prototype into a thing of beauty, possibly invoking the skills of a 
    craftsperson, and an engineer might be required to solve difficult technical 
    challenges, especially in scaling up to production.the Internet of Things 
    is, or should be, the “Internet of Beautiful Things”, and every object, as well 
    as being a crafted, designed, and engineered object, is, or could be, the work 
    of an arManufacturer

    Of course, it is a rare Renaissance individual who covers all these disciplines 
    with the fluency and ease that are conducive to creating a truly successful 
    product. If you fit only one or a handful of these roles, you can still learn 
    enough of the others to get things going. Getting additional expertise to 
    make a project work, from prototype to production,  The most important lesson, however, is that 
    whatever your interest as a creative person, you are abundantly qualified to 
    get involved in the exciting field of the Internet of Things!

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